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Young Shakespeare: Segment 1

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

This blog series has been specially curated for the kids under 10 who want to share their dream of becoming somebody or something in their life. Kids are pure and so are their dreams. Some kids are blessed with great imaginative powers but do not find the medium to put them forth. Quitekorner provides them the platform to put give words to their imagination and bring it to the world.

This series will be in 4 segments and will include all the kids who have mustered up the courage to write on their own irrespective of their age and share it with friends, family and strangers. All the write-ups have been put without any correction except some insertion of prepositions and punctuation marks. Please read and share the beautiful, imaginative yet real dreams of these young writers.


3, Singapore

Aarini is a preschooler and very articulate about her thoughts. As she is not equipped with writing skill so she chose to talk about her dream to her mother, a researcher with the National University of Singapore.

When asked about her dream, she said, I want to become like you mumma! ‘ To which her mother replied, you want to design parks like I do?

She said, "No. I want to be a mumma that goes to office and there I will become a doctor."

Her dream does not end here, she had a bigger aspiration than being a doctor. She expressed her wish to be a mother who has many babies with some in hand and some in the stroller.

What Quitekorner thinks about her dream?

Aarini will grow up to be a beautiful human being who will be considerate to others and certainly be an excellent mum just like her mother. I marvel her dream to mother numerous kids at this tender age.


7, Faridabad, India

I am seven and a half years old. I study in Delhi Public School, Faridabad, Haryana in III grade. My hobbies are swimming, playing cricket and video games. I also like playing basketball. I also enjoy school parties and like dancing very much.

I want to become a police officer and catch thieves and want to save my country from thieves. I want to do good work so that everybody respect me and I feel proud. I want to buy a car Bolero 4*4. I want to be loved by everyone.

What Quitekorner thinks about his dream?

A solid dream of being a real life SIMBA. Abhinav is a true patriot and hope he will accomplish his dream to serve his country by being a police personnel.


9, Varanasi, India

Hello friends, I am a student of Delhi Public School. I study in V grade. My hobbies are cycling, repairing my own things and make friends who have the same interest. I have some thing in my mind that pushes me to do hard work but after some time I start sweating. But I am not scared of it. After all I have to become a good Scientist. I have good interest in that. My wish is to invent such thing from which I will be famous in the world. I will try to invent some thing from which everyone can get help. I want to be very rich. Not only that I want to be a kind man and help others.

What Quitekorner thinks about his dream?

Ayush will achieve whatever he wants in his life because he wants to become a kind man. A kind and gentle soul has the power to be anything in this world. His zeal to give his best even after he starts to sweat will take him places.

What do you think about their dreams? Please mention in the comments below. Like and share also.

Happy Reading!

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